Please schedule a Baptism by contacting the Parish Center to make arrangements.
Baptismal offerings are collected through the OLL Parish Center or can be provided the day of Baptism to the priest or deacon.
Our parish grows stronger every year because of your dedication and financial support. Thank you for making Our Lady of Lourdes a charitable priority in your life. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Baptism is the door to life and to the kingdom of God. Christ offered this first sacrament of the new law to all that they might have eternal life. When Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again if he wished to enter the Kingdom of God, Nicodemus inquired as to what that meant. Jesus responded:
"unless you are born of water and the Spirit, you can
not enter the kingdom of God"
John 3:3-5
The Church has always understood His word to mean that Children should not be deprived of Baptism, because they are baptized in the faith of the church. This faith is proclaimed for them by their parents and godparents who represent the local Church and the whole society of believers. Parents should not delay the baptism of their children except for serious reasons; children should be baptized as soon as possible.
To bring out the paschal character of baptism, the sacrament should be celebrated on Sundays when the Church commemorates the Lord's Resurrection. Baptisms take place at a common time so that the community of believers may be present. Baptisms take place in the church where there is the proper baptismal font which is consecrated every Easter Vigil.
There may be one or two sponsors (godparents). If there are two, one must be male (godfather) and the other female (godmother).
The sponsor (godparent) must be:
A baptized and confirmed Catholic
At least 16 years of age (there may be exception to this)
Living an upright (moral) life
No penalties such as having left the Catholic Church to join another religion; divorced and remarried
Cannot be either parent.
If there is one Catholic sponsor who fulfills the above requirements, another baptized Christian may act as a Christian witness. Former Catholics may not act as Christian witnesses. Christian witness must be at least sixteen years old, baptized and living an upright life.
For more information regarding sponsors you may check the Diocese of Rockville Centre website: Office of Faith Formation