"Little deeds of kindness, little acts of love, show that we're acquainted with the Lord above. Little deeds of kindness cheer us on our way, and help ourselves and others have a happy day. Acts of loving kindness prompt a happy smile, and add a joy of living and made life worthwhile."
Mary Lasar
Religious Education Director
(516) 599-7222
Marybeth Malone
Religious Education Secretary
(516) 599-7222
Monday - Friday: Noon - 4 PM
Saturday, January 18th: Confessions for Grades 5 & 6 will take place at 9:45 AM in the church.
Mass Passes for all 7th and 8th-grade students have been reviewed. We will meet with students who did not fulfill their obligations later this month.
Now is the time for all 8th-grade students to review all forms, service hour sheets, measurements, and Saint reports. These are all due on January 25th. It is advisable to return them well before the deadline.
No forms will be accepted after the 25th, and the sacrament of Confirmation will be delayed.
Students must bring all required materials to class each session - pen or pencil, notebook (if required), homework assignment and Religion book. All students are expected to behave in a respectful, polite, and kind manner to all persons (adults and peers). In order to maintain the excellent condition of our parish school building, there is to be no gum chewing in the building. No food should be brought into the building at any time.
Grades 1 - 8 Sat 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Grades 1 - 4 Tue 4:15 - 5:15 PM
Grades 5 - 8 Wed 4:15 - 5:15 PM
Our programs annually run from September through April each term. Registration forms are sent out in May each year to children already in our program. All grade level students must re-register each year.
The children will be dismissed by their teachers at the end of each session. They will wait until each parent has picked up his/her child(ren). If a parent is not on time, the child will be brought to the office until a parent arrives.
If you need, in an emergency, to pick up your child during class time, notice should be given to the office staff who will prepare an early class dismissal form. The parent must come to the office to sign the form. At that time we will send an adult to the classroom to bring the child to the office.
Registration opens in the beginning of May and runs through mid-June . The Religious Education Program runs annually from September through April. All grade level students must re-register each year.
In the case of inclement weather, on the day of your child's religious instructions, please note the following:
If the local school districts are closed or have early dismissal due to inclement weather, Religious Education classes are automatically cancelled.
If inclement weather occurs during the school day and it becomes necessary to cancel classes, we will:
Have a recorded message on our answering machine.
Have the announcements broadcast on News 12 Long Island.
Have the closing posted on social media.
Each week please check your child's textbook and folder. Homework assignments, as assigned by the Catechist, should be completed by your child prior to the following week's class. Most weeks there is an activity or assignment to complete in the book or a handout to complete. Parents should review the children's completed assignments for correctness.
First Holy Communion
There is a minimum of tow (2) years preparation for the reception of First Holy Communion. This is preceded by the reception of the Sacrament of Penance.
Admission to the Confirmation class will depend upon the student's regular attendance and successful completion of grades 3, 4, 5 and 6.
In discerning readiness for reception of the Sacraments the guidelines of the Diocese and the Bishop's Conference will be used. In special cases the decision will be made after discussion with the Director, parent and catechist.
The Sacrament of Penance can be received each Saturday in our Church. Your child's Religion book has the form used for Penance inlcuding the Act of Contrition. After First Penance, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to remind children of God's redeeming love and forgiveness in this Sacrament.
We expect perfect attendance for religious education. A student's absence from class should be for reasons of illness or family emergency only. MORE THAN 3 EXCUSED ABSENCES during the academic year may result in a student not advancing to the next level. If a child is sick/absent, please call the Religious Education Office at 599-7222 on or before the day of class. If your child has a prolonged illness or an unusual situation, please call the office as soon as possible. A doctor's not must be presented before the child may return to class.
If you pray, they will pray.
If you come to Mass on Sunday and holy days as a family, they will feel like a member of God's Family.
If you are respectful and kind to others, they will treat others in the same way.
Volunteers over the age of 18 are needed to teach a one hour class on a weekly basis. Catechist grade level materials are available to all catechists.
All volunteers over the age of 18 are required to submit to a background check before beginning their service. VIRTUS training must also be completed.
Coordinators are needed to assist, encourage and support other catechists on their grade level and to be the go-between with the catechist and the Religious Education Office.
Adults and older children are needed to assist in our tutorial program during class time and to assist in the classroom as needed.