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The Human Life Committee is dedicated to the truth that all human life is scared from conception to natural death and has inherent dignity as God's creation. The foundations of the Committee's activities are prayer, education and public witness about the life issues. Its mission is to support the "culture of life" as described by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical the Gospel of Life.
Prayer is turned into action by supporting life-affirming organizations such as pregnancy care centers and residences for mothers and their babies. Parishioners are informed about the life issues through the weekly bulletin and kept updated on legislation which attempts to undermine the truth that God is the author of life.
The Committee leads a Prayer Hour for Life each first Friday of the month from 8:00 - 9:00 PM.
On the first Saturday of the month, the 9:00 AM Mass is offered for "The Conversion of Political Leaders to the Culture of Life".
The Committee meets formally once a month. Please consider joining us.
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