Marriage preparation is the time to examine your friendship objectively; and become aware of the strengths you have as a couple, and also areas of possible conflict. This preparation, including FOCCUS and Pre-Cana, will offer many benefits to you. Important topics that affect your life together will be discussed and examined.
Please schedule an appointment with the Pastor by contacting the Parish Center to start your Marriage preparations.
The FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study) instrument that you have taken, or soon will, is not a test to predict success or failure in marriage. It is a tool to help you name and work through issues before entering into the sacrament. It is a means to identify issues that need to be discussed before marriage. The instrument will provide feedback to you on where your partner stands in regard to areas important to marriage. FOCCUS was developed by three marriage and family counselors. It has proven to be a reliable instrument.
If your schedule does not allow you to participate in our excellent Parish Pre-Cana, the priest or deacon making your arrangements will offer other Marriage Preparation options.