"Christmas Greetings" Journal
This year we are offering an Our Lady of Lourdes "Christmas Greetings" Journal where you can send a special Christmas wish to your extended OLL Family. Use your family's Christmas card if you like! Entries may include both text & pictures. See what other people have submitted.
The journal will be distributed at the Christmas Party. However, if you can't attend we will gladly mail you a copy. A digital copy will also be available on the parish website.
Four Entry Sizes Available: 1/4 Page $25 | 1/2 Page $50 | Full Page $100
Please enter your contact information:
Please enter your mailing address.
(Only required if you will not be attending the Christmas Party and would like a copy of the "Christmas Greetings" journal mailed to you.)
STEP 1: Choose A Size
Size Guide Reference
STEP 2: Create Your Journal Entry
Create your journal entry using your favorite software and save it using one of the following formats :
IMAGE ( .gif, .jpg, or .png)
DOCUMENT ( Adobe .pdf or Microsoft Word .docx )
Maximum file size is 15 MB
It is not necessary to create both an image and a document. Please choose the one that is easiest for you. Please view the "Size Guide Reference" above for questions regarding sizing.
STEP 3: Upload You File
Once your file has uploaded, the name of your file will appear where File Name is shown below.
- OR -
Please be patient. Depending on the size of your upload file, this form may take a few seconds to process.

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