Religious Education for children is an important part of Our Lady of Lourdes community.
The Focus of our program is instruction in the faith and practice of faith through liturgies and service.
Goals of our Religious Education are the following:
Lead students to a serious, daily relationship with Jesus Christ.
Prepare our youth for the reception of the sacraments and guide all to a deeper understanding of our faith.
Encourage attendance on Sunday and Holyday Masses.
Develop a spiritual and personal growth among our families and children in our Parish community and its sacramental life.
To support parents in their primary faith responsibilities.
Students in grades 1 through 8 meet for one-hour classes on the following days:
Saturday – Grades 1 through 6
Tuesday – Grades 1 through 4
Wednesday – Grades 5 through 8
Registration: 9:30am to 10:30am 4:15pm to 5:15pm 4:15pm to 5:15pm
New students may request new registration forms beginning on Monday, May 13, 2024
Returning students will receive their re-registration forms in the mail. All grade level students must re-register each year.
Classroom/Homework: Students must bring all required material to class each session: pen or pencil, notebook, homework assignments and religion book. Please check your child’s textbook and folders each week for homework assignments. Each child must complete the homework and return it to the Catechist the following week.
Attendance Requirements: Excused absences are for illness or family emergencies or extenuating circumstances. An absence note must accompany your child upon return to class. In excused absences, lateness, or early dismissals may result in the student being asked to repeat the term.
Remember that you are the primary teachers of your children. You set the example for them.
Emergency Closings: You will receive an email as soon as a decision is made to close Religious Education classes in an emergency. Notice will also be aired on Channel 12 News, Our Lady of Lourdes website and on social media.
Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation are two-year programs. The first-grade students are taught about God and learn their prayers in preparation for Reconciliation (First Penance) and First Communion in the second grade. Second grade students will study for First Penance which will take place in the month of January. First Communion will take place in the spring after completion of the second year. Confirmation Preparation Program begins in the 7th grade and the sacrament is conferred in the spring of 8th grade. All students must attend Mass and retreats, maintain a certain number of classes, perform service hours each of the two years in order to be eligible for reception of Confirmation.